Description is one of the top classified advertisement platforms in Sri Lanka, offering you a vast range of products and services from around the country, whether you are looking for a house for sale or rent in Sri Lanka, commercial property for rent or even brand new and used vehicles for sale from anywhere on the island, from Colombo, Kandy, Galle, Matara or anywhere else.

Placing a regular classified ad on our platform is completely free of charge, but you can opt to be a Super Seller on, and reach even more potential buyers for your advertisement at a very nominal rate. We are one of the most trusted classified advertisement portals in Sri Lanka, and the go-to place for anyone looking for absolutely anything!

The Services, places, events, job, offers are the property of their perspective and the main root are used here for Listing purposes and offers only. If removing any listing please feel free to contact If agree to keep listing please register with and claim your purpose.
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  • July 27, 2024 3:54 am local time

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